Meeting Update 01/17/2012 - Eddie

I have a different simulation set up that is now more suitable for what we will want for the HST proposal and further research. It is effectively a 1D pulsed jet running through an ambient medium. The jet is pulsed via velocity perturbations. I added perturbation parameters to the wind object, so anyone that wants to simulate something with a pulsed inflow might be able to use that. It currently supports square wave and sine wave perturbations. I plan on adding a random perturbation option as well. The 1D jet simulation also has a magnetic field perpendicular to the propagation, and cooling can be turned on. Here's an image of what I have so far on a run with no cooling:

I've been reading up on interpolation schemes. Tomorrow I will dig a little deeper into the cooling routines, and really start making progress on adding Pat's cooling tables. Hopefully, next week we'll have this new form of cooling implemented and the aforementioned simulations running.

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