Meeting Update 01/24/2012 - Eddie

  • Google calendar up and running. So far it only has the Astro lunches and colloquia, our weekly group meeting, PAS colloquia, and journal club. Any one in our group can create/manage the events on the calendar. What else do we want on this calendar? The AST462 course (not really a group thing, but it does affect Adam, Erica, and I), other weekly meetings, upcoming conferences? Leave comments! Let's use this blog as a discussion as it was originally intended!
  • Speaking of blog comments, did anyone ever look into email notifications, or do we even want them? It seems that there is a plugin for this: Should I take a stab at this or leave it for someone who is more familiar with trac and how plugins are handled?
  • Zcooling routines have been implemented. I'm now in the process of testing them with my 1DJet simulation. I'll try out Jonathan's new 1D implementation as well. The documentation on Zcooling is coming along. See zcooling for more details. The table reformatting stuff will be important for anyone who gets this code in the future. The section on the interpolation that I used will be added soon.
  • I also started documentation on the Wind object, since I made some changes to it in order to use it in my 1DJet module. See the wiki page WindObjects.

UPDATE : Jonathan did look into email notification for blog comments a while ago. The Announcer plugin is supposed to support email notification for blogs in the same way it does for tickets. However, Jonathan could not get this to work. I looked into it today as well and found the same things that Jonathan did. The solution is to use the separate FullBlogNotification plugin. This is a standalone plugin that does its own notification without going through Announcer.

The way notifications work is the wiki sends an email to Announcer allows each user to specify an email address in their preferences on the wiki if they don't want to use this pas address. In short, this feature will not work for blog comments.


1. ehansen -- 13 years ago

I did make an event called "Individual Meetings" for that time slot that Adam wanted us to keep open on Monday afternoons, and one for the LLE meeting that Shule, Jason, and I will be attending.