Meeting Update 01/28/2013 - Eddie

1D Rad Shocks

Done with formatting plots for 1D radiative shock runs. Some of the models don't look quite right, so I have to investigate a little further as to why. Hopefully, it's just a plotting issue where I will have to adjust the yrange in gnuplot and perhaps the length scale of the simulation. Here are some examples (v=30 km/s, n=100 cm-3):

B (uG) Hydro Variables Emission Lines

2.5D Pulsed Jets

Coding and initial runs for the 2.5D pulsed jets are finished. Here are the parameters and a few movies of the H-alpha emission. Since AMR is on, the H-alpha emission calculated for each cell is multiplied by the cell area. The magnetic field is helical.

Density (cm-3) Velocity (km/s) Temperature (K)
Ambient 500 0 8000
Jet 5000 60 (initial), 20-100 (random pulses) 10000

B (uG) Image (frame 80) movie
7.07 Halpha_b7.gif
21.21 Halpha_b21.gif
70.71 Halpha_b70.gif
212.13 Halpha_b212.gif
707.11 Halpha_b707.gif


Had a documentation meeting last Friday (ehansen01252013) to discuss new group organization and updates that still need to be done for the wiki. Will make a more detailed table of things that need to be done and who should be doing them.

Attachments (14)


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