Meeting Update 02/04/2013 - Eddie

  • Rerunning 1D radiative shocks with a fixed length scale and adjusted plot ranges to send to Pat. Also, working on an analytic form for cooling length dependent on magnetic field strength. I'll use that to add the length scale as another parameter that changes for each run.
  • For the 2.5D pulsed jets, I fixed the magnetic field and pressure profile following the form used by Lind in his 1989 paper. So now I'm doing some runs with varying maximum magnetic field strength. Below are images and movies of density, H-alpha, SII, and beta. This particular jet is not pulsed (v = 60 km/s). I changed some of the other parameters as well: namb = 100, njet = 1000, Tamb = 1000 K. Tjet is no longer set to a constant, it now follows the aforementioned pressure profile.



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