Science Meeting Update 02/10/2014 - Eddie

  • ran a 1D shock model with a Raymond H ionization table, sent the data to Pat, and am waiting on comparison results
  • the 3D MHD pulsed jet run on kraken slowed down quite a bit, so I took a different approach
    • I'm trying a very low resolution run, and then I will do a restart at a higher resolution to get some high res late frames

Mach Stems

  • below I am showing the d = 5 runs from left to right: Z cooling, and gamma = 5/3, 1.4, 1.2, 1.01 respectively


  • on bluestreak I have completed 6 out of 20 of the runs at the 80 cells/rclump resolution. The remaining 14 are still in the queue, but should run and finish this week.

Attachments (2)


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