Update 03/11/2016 - Eddie

  • Worked on cooling paper: abstract, intro, methods sections finished. Might've finished the whole thing had I not focused so much on recent referee report. I can release these sections for edits, and continue working on the rest.
  • Worked on referee report for clumpy paper. I think most of it is resolved, and I don't think we have to change the paper too much. However, we still need to have a co-author discussion about gammas, cooling, and Mach stems. Below is a test simulation I ran to show that simulating a more "realistic" clump does not change our conclusions.

  • 3-D jet simulations are still going. Here's a status update:
Beta Frame (out of 120) Est. Wall Time Remaining
Inf 103 10.7 hours
5 76 2.1 days
1 88 17.4 days
0.4 55 4.2 days

The beta=1 run will take significantly longer because it's on bluehive, but the other runs wait in the queue for so long in between restarts on davinci that all of these runs may finish around the same time in 3 weeks or so. Honestly don't see this project finishing in time to be part of my thesis, especially since we wanted to do additional runs with random pulses, less frequent pulses, no pulses, etc.

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