Meeting Update 03/13/2012 - Eddie

Cooling Curves

I made a blog post last week with a plot of cooling curves to compare Pat's tables with Dalgarno-McCray. It's interesting how different the curve can be based on the electron density and ionization fraction.

My Library

I went through a bunch of old emails from Adam and Pat, and I made a list of papers that I want to take notes on to become more familiar with them (for my library on the wiki). It seems like a long list that could get longer, so I will probably focus more on the key papers. Adam, are there any papers in this list that you feel shouldn't be there?

Cooling Project

I updated my version of astrobear to try the changes that Jonathan had made with how the pressure is handled by the cooling source term. It changed a little bit, but there are still discrepancies between the cooling and adiabatic simulations. It appears as though it helped, the post-shock temperature in the cooling cases went up a little bit, but it's hard to tell due to the oscillatory nature of looking at frames that are several time steps apart.

So I've moved on to writing a 1D Radiative Shock module, and I will most likely have results from that next week. Just as a reminder, this follows what was done in AstroBEAR 1.0 (1D Radiative Shock test page) and Ch. 4 of Delamarter '01 (pdf). This module could also become part of the test suite if we want.


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