Meeting Update 03/18/2013 - Eddie

  • made movie of emission maps for all cases of beta for the 2.5D pulsed jets (de Colle & Raga set up)


  • merged Jonathan's new cooling routines with my revision. Sorted out a bunch of merge conflicts and got it to compile.
  • updated my radiative shock module to track all hydrogen and helium species. Not getting a steady shock, but I think I've isolated the issue and I should have that fixed by tomorrow.
  • ran a 2.5D jet with lab parameters from Francisco. jet radius = 1 mm, jet velocity = 100 km/s, runtime = 500 ns. The jet is an aluminum plasma, and the ambient is an argon gas. The cooling functions for these elements come from an old paper by Post et al., 1977. This simulation is simply using a cooling rate that adds the Al and Ar functions. I think I can improve this by adding tracers and using a density weighted function.


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