Meeting Update 04/01/2013 - Eddie

  • Got the new 1D radiative shock module running now, but the shock is not steady. It moves to the left, which is in the direction of the preshock gas. It's not a very fast movement, so it looks like something is just a little off. I'm trying different things to see if I can get it to stay put, but the initial profile looks good. I think it's safe to run some 1D models for Pat now.
  • For the 1D models, I will basically do a small subset of the original data set that Pat had sent earlier this year. The idea is to avoid doing 100+ runs and just give Pat a handful of runs to compare astrobear to the raymond shock code. So my grid will be vs = 40, 50, 60 km/s, log(n) = 2, 3, beta = 5, 1, 0.5, x = 0.01. That's a total of 18 runs, but if Pat wants to look at preionization as well, then I will add 18 more runs with x = 0.1.
  • I started implementing 3D capability into my pulsed jet module. I'll be running and testing that out this week. I also need to put some more thought into the specific runs that I want to do. I see the main focus of my paper being on the effect of magnetic fields on emission in a pulsed jet. Emission maps from a 3D simulation like this have not been presented in the literature to the best of my knowledge.
  • I did a 2.5D run of the lab jet for Francisco. I implemented tracers for the aluminum jet and the argon ambient, and the code uses a separate cooling table for each. The tables come from an old paper, but this is what Francisco was using to estimate the cooling strength of the experiments. I will generate some images and movies, and send Francisco an update. I also think it might be worthwhile to see if I can find better tables that span the temperature range of the simulation.


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