Meeting Update 04/12/2016 - Eddie

  • HEDLA XI accepted my abstract, gave me a poster presentation
  • While writing up the introduction for my thesis, I decided it would be nice to have a schematic of a disk-jet system so I drew one.

  • In response to referee report on the 3-D clumpy paper, I am running some 2-D sims to look at Mach stem size when cooling is present. For each simulation, I change Rclump to see if Mach stem size is limited by Lcool !and/or Rclump.

All runs have M = 7 and Lcool = 12.7 AU.

1 computational unit = 1 Lcool.

separation distance d = 4 Rclump

Rclump/Lcool At 50 years Mach stem size
100 regular reflection, unstable?
20 regular reflection
10 regular reflection
2 approximately 0.5 Lcool
1 approximately 1 Lcool
0.5 forming single bow

So it does appear that when cooling is strong (Rclump/Lcool ≥ 1), the Mach stem size is limited by Lcool or it's even smaller. However, I'm not convinced that when cooling is weak, the Mach stem size will be limited by Rclump.

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