Meeting Update 04/16/2013 - Eddie

  • My pulsed jet module is working in 3D. Now, I need to move to a larger machine and do some runs. I will try both BlueStreak and Kraken.
  • I am working on generating the data and plots for the 18 models of 1D radiative shocks. There will be a blog post before the end of the week containing my version of the plots. If everything looks good, the raw data will be sent to Pat so that he can create his own plots for comparison.
  • There is still a small amount of drift in the 1D shock simulations. This is not a problem for generating the data and plots since those will come from the initialization frame. However, it would be nice to quantify this drift a bit more, so I plan on making some sort of plot to characterize this. Plotting vdrift/vshock vs. vshock for a few different shock velocities makes the most sense with multiple lines for different pre-shock densities, or betas.


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