Meeting Update 04/19/2016 - Eddie

  • Updated table on Mach stems and Lcool: ehansen04122016
    • Checked to see if low resolution is cause of bow shock instability: doesn't appear to be, image below
    • Checked if 3-D effects cause bow shock instability: plausible, image below
    • Checked if even stronger cooling (Lcool = Rclump / 100) is the cause: also plausible, movie below.
    • My thoughts: any small perturbation can trigger the instability whether it be numerical or physical. The stronger the cooling, the easier it is to perturb. I believe my simulations in the clumpy paper are more susceptible simply because they are 3-D; extra degree of freedom for motions and/or noise. Also, in the paper, we are not in the frame of reference of the fast clump.

Lcool = 0.1 Rclump, 2-D, low res

Lcool = 0.1 Rclump, 3-D slice

2-D, nice Mach stem, Lcool = 0.5 Rclump movie

2-D, unstable?, Lcool = 0.01 Rclump movie

  • I should be able to finish up referee report and resubmit clumpy paper by end of week.
  • Pat is working on cooling paper, and I will add some more details this week.
  • Thesis is coming along nicely. Most of the writing is finished except for the conclusions section.

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