Science Meeting Update 04/28/2014 - Eddie

  • Found an error in the code that has been affecting cooling. Here is a plot that shows the temperature profile for a shock model before and after the error was fixed.

  • This fix will affect any simulations that I have done recently or in the past that use cooling. This includes the pulsed jets and mach stems projects that I've been working on.
  • I reran the 2.5-D hydro pulsed jet model that I used in my paper and compared the new results to the old. The old model is on the left, and the new model is on the right…


The overall morphology doesn't look too different. As expected, the big differences are in the small scale structures and the head of the jet.

  • The high resolution 2-D mach stem runs are done, but again the Z cooling models are with the old version of the code which has the aforementioned error. I suspect that rerunning these would make the Z cooling models look even closer to the gamma = 1.01 models. These high resolution Z cooling sims took a very long time on bluestreak, but I'm not really in any hurry so I should be ok to rerun.

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