Update 05/04/2015 - Eddie

Mach Stem Runs

Below is an update on the status of all the runs. I added an "Inclination Angles" column to denote if the emission data at different inclination angles (0, 30, 60, and 90 deg) have been produced for that run.

Run # Clumps Defining parameters Machine Frames (out of 50) Inclination Angles
A 2 d = 2.5, M = 7, 10 Stampede 50
B 2 d = 4.5, M = 7, 10 Gordon 49
C 2 d = 6.5, M = 7, 10 Gordon 50
D 2 d = 2.5, M = 7, 15 Gordon 23
E 2 d = 4.5, M = 7, 15 Gordon 26
F 2 d = 6.5, M = 7, 15 Gordon 24
G 3 d = 2.5, a = 30 BlueHive 44
H 3 d = 2.5, a = 60 BlueHive 50
I 3 d = 2.5, a = 90 BlueHive 30
J 3 d = 4.5, a = 30 BlueStreak 50 Yes
K 3 d = 4.5, a = 60 BlueStreak 50 Yes
L 3 d = 4.5, a = 90 BlueStreak 50 Yes
M 10 BlueStreak 45

I expect the multiclump run (run M) to finish tonight. Once the remaining 3 clump runs finish on BlueHive (runs G and I), that will free up the nodes to do the different inclination angles. The Gordon data has been transferred to BlueHive where it will have to stay because we don't have any more space on our local machines.

The remaining Gordon runs are taking too long, and the machine appears to be having file system issues. I'm going to move these to Stampede and finish them there. However, we may not need many more frames for the 2-clump, M=15 runs (runs D - F). Below is an image of run D at frame 22/50.

The bow shock has already moved past the slow clump, so perhaps this is enough. Runs E and F are a little different. It takes longer for the fast bow to move past because the separation is greater. Run E might be fine with 30 frames, and run F may need the full 50. Doing "partial" runs like this will speed things up.

Below is the emission image/movie from run A.


Jet Module

I fixed the EMF profile in the jet module, so the magnetic field looks correct now. Below is 60% of a run that I ran on BlueHive on the afrank nodes. It won't run any further for some reason, but I think it's an issue with the afrank nodes, and not the code.

The run below has the outflow object resolved to 32 cells per jet radius, and the rest of the grid is resolved up to 16 cells per jet radius.


Attachments (5)


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