Meeting Update 05/13/2013 - Eddie

  • 3D pulsed jets are working…ehansen05102013. I have a set of runs waiting to go on blue streak.

Paper Outline

  • Abstract
    • general overview of paper
  1. Introduction
    • mention observations
    • motivation for this research
    • what questions does this paper address:
      • simulations such as these have been done before, but only for H-alpha emission, and only in 2.5D…what new information do we obtain by also looking at [S II] emission?
      • also, what new information do we obtain by extending the simulations to 3D? are "nose-cones" still present?
      • how does magnetic field strength affect the clumps and emission within a pulsed jet?
      • can we use H-alpha and [S II] emission to estimate magnetic field strength in YSO jets?
  2. Numberical Simulations
    • Methods
      • equations being solved with astrobear and type of cooling
    • 2.5D
      • define the problem set-up and parameters
    • 3D
      • more brief description of problem set-up
  3. Results
    • 2.5D
      • density plot, a few lineouts (rho, v, T), emission map
    • 3D
      • density slice, a few oineouts of the slice (rho, v, T), emission map
      • 3D image
  4. Discussion
    • more qualitative than quantitative
    • differences between 2.5D and 3D
  5. Conclusions
    • summarize the paper
    • relate simulations back to observations
    • lingering questions and future work
      • are we likely to learn anything new from simulating other magnetic field geometries?
      • also, is there anything else to learn from looking at other emission lines such as [N II] or [O I]?
  • References


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