Meeting Update 06/24/2013 - Eddie

  • made movies of the 3D pulsed jet runs
beta image movie(s)
hydro movie
5 movie
1 full movie; expansion (slowmo)
0.4 movie
  • I tried increasing the size of the domain for the beta = 1 run, but the expansion started happening sooner…


  • I also altered the refinement at the injection region in two ways: I used the cylindrical shape option instead of a rectangular prism, and I increased the shape size by 50% in all directions. The shape of the mesh didn't change (it's still rectangular), so I don't know if the cylindrical option did anything differently. These runs haven't finished yet, but I can already tell that the beta=0.4 run seemingly worked better. The image below looks like an improvement, but the simulation on kraken has come to a hault just like the old one did.

  • Made image/movie of emission maps for the 2.5D runs


  • working on results section of paper and adding more references

Attachments (14)


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