Meeting Update 09/24/2012 - Eddie

1D MHD Radiative Shocks

The MHD version of my RadShock problem appears to be working, but I am not sure if the output is physically accurate. Red is hydro, blue is MHD.

I am now waiting for Anna (Pat's student) to send me her data so I can compare these MHD runs. I will also be comparing the emission lines.

Post-Processing Emissions

I finished implementing some emission lines into astrobear's post-processing routines. We now have the capability to get [O I] (6300), [N II] (6583), [S II] (6716), [S II] (6731), and H-alpha. Other lines for these species could easily be added, and we also have code for [O II] and [N I] if we want to be able to use those species in the future. Here's an example of what the output looks like for one of my 1D radiative shocks (hydro):

Jonathan also changed a few things in astrobear's post-processing routines, and I updated a bunch of problem modules to conform with these changes. Since AstroBEAR 2.0 is about to be released, I guess we would want this stuff in our new development version (aka AstroBEAR 3.0)?

3D Cooling Jets

Moderate cooling run resubmitted on Kraken, should finish this week. Not sure if we can get the resolution needed for the strong cooling case…

Mach Stems

I will start working on this project tomorrow.

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1. Jonathan -- 12 years ago

my vote is 2.0…