Meeting Update 09/27/2011 - Eddie

Mostly just been reading this past week. From Toro I have finished Ch. 2 (Notions on Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations) and Ch. 3 (Some Properties of the Euler Equations). I am currently on Ch. 4 (The Riemmann Problem for the Euler Equations). I see that Toro will start getting into some Fortran examples in this chapter, so pretty soon we should decide on what kind of 1D Hydro code I should write.

Also, I made some changes to astrobear when writing my RT module to make uniform gravity work. I plan on committing these changes to the repo, but first need to run tests on bluehive. However, mercurial is currently not working on bluehive, so I am waiting for CRC to fix that.


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