Hydro code finished!

I have finished building my first 1D Hydro code. It uses an exact Riemann solver, and a first order Godunov upwind scheme for updating. At first it was not giving the correct solution, and after staring at it for a while Jonathan found a typo in one line in which the wrong gamma constant was being used. Now it seems to work great. I will run the 5 different tests in Toro, and make plots to show in next week's meeting. Also, I'm working on a separate program to compute the exact solution to directly compare it to the numerical one.

I have definitely learned a lot through this process, and my understanding of the numerical methods is much clearer now. I'm currently working on my buildcode page which documents the important aspects of a 1D Hydro code.


1. Erica Kaminski -- 13 years ago

Eddie, the page looks great; thanks for such a great resource!