Meeting Update 11/01/2011 - Eddie

  • I finished my first hydro code last week. Just as a reminder, it is one dimensional, uses an exact Riemann solver, and uses a first order Godunov upwind scheme for updating.
  • I ran the same tests that Toro runs, and fixed a couple of errors. All the plots for these tests can be found on my build code page.
  • Also, this page is getting more and more detail on it every week. There's still quite a bit of information that I want to put on it that I've already learned. Just haven't gotten around to it yet.
  • The next step is to put some approximate Riemann solvers into my code. I've already begun reading about them, and will probably have this step done by the end of the week. Should I systematically go through Toro and put all approximate solvers in my code, or are there just a couple specific ones that I should use?


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