Update 11/09/2015 - Eddie

  • Made image from HH 2 for my 3D clumpy paper. This is to compare with the multi-clump simulation since both show a shock "sheet".

  • We wanted to do another comparison figure with HH 34 to show lateral motion, but this is looking a bit trickier than I thought it would be because the .fits images are not aligned with each other. Waiting to hear back from Pat to see if there is an easy way to deal with this.
  • Having issues with Grass and with my account on the Rice machine, so I don't have all of the data from some of my new 3D pulsed jet runs. Below are images from a 0 deg precession and a 1 deg precession run. I have simulation data for a run with increased refinement around the outflow object, and a run where the outflow object is inside the bottom domain boundary; I just can't get to the data right now. Below is an image comparing runs with 0, 1, and 3 deg precession from left to right respectively.

  • Lastly, I worked on my CV and I've been busy for the past few days applying for some national lab jobs.

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