Meeting Update 11/12/2012 - Eddie

  • got my NICS token in the mail, still need to activate it
  • read up on cylindrical coordinates in Athena, Now I need to find and alter the applicable routines in astrobear.
  • I am running the mach stem simulations now, at a higher resolution. Images/movies will be posted soon. I did all the analytic calculations, so I have a set of runs planned.

I was thinking I'd do for each gamma a run at Rcrit, and a run ± 0.2 Rcrit…so with 4 different gammas, that's a total of 12 runs.

gamma Rcrit/Rclump
1.6667 1.4679
1.4 1.3932
1.2 1.3229
1.1 1.2766

Relating this to the real situation of two identical clumps side by side is simple. The distance to the reflecting wall is half of the separation distance if we take the separation distance to be the distance between the clump centers. So the critical separation distance is twice Rcrit.

  • I will also start setting up my module to do the problem with interacting bow shocks where one is moving.


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