Meeting Update 11/15/2011 - Eddie

I have completed updating my hydro code with a second order MUSCL-Hancock scheme. See the comparison plots on my buildcode page (scroll to the bottom). Also, I finished updating all of the content on the page which now includes short descriptions of the approximate Riemann solvers and the MUSCL-Hancock scheme.

The last few chapters of Toro deal with source terms and higher dimensions. Should I implement either of these into my code, or should I now move on to the hand-full of AstroBEAR development projects that I have on my plate?

As far as testing goes, I'm working on the OrbitingParticles problem. This one is a bit tricky because I want to produce an image of something visually insightful which is no problem with Visit. However, we want the post-processing scripts to be easily used for all tests which requires us to produce images with bear2fix. So I may have to add some code to bear2fix, but I have to think about this some more. Any ideas on what might be the easiest yet insightful thing to plot for this problem?


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