Update 11/16/2015 - Eddie

  • working on edits for 3D bow shock interactions paper
  • applying to jobs
  • still trying to figure out waviness in 3D precessing jets
    • Things I have tried so far:
      • primitive limiters instead of characteristic
      • lower CFL
      • outflow object inside lower z boundary
      • velocity fade in radial direction
      • no pulses
      • H viscosity
      • apply diffusion
      • smaller precession angle
    • Noticed some potentially odd things:
      • jet boundary looks tilted in first frame, likely due to precession in magnitude of the velocity in z-directio
      • the magnitudes of the velocity in every direction x, y, z seem to be precessing. I don't think this is what we want. I think vz should be constant in time (except for the pulsations of course), and vx and vy should change but in a way such that at any given time they are constant throughout the outflow object. In the current implementation, there appears to be a phi dependence on magnitude.

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