Meeting Update 11/19/2012 - Eddie

  • Exchanged some emails with Francisco, and now I have some jet parameters to try out. It seemed a little odd to me that they used this aluminum cooling table (Post, et al 1977) to estimate their cooling parameter, but in simulations using Gorgon they used something else. I will give this Al cooling table a try, and see what we get.
  • Read the mach stem thesis. Completed half of the initial mach stem runs, and created a new page for documenting everything on this project: MachStems. Hopefully, Kris is ready to start looking at these.
  • Met with Jonathan about implementing cylindrical coordinates. I expect to make significant progress on this within the next month or so.
  • All that token nonsense is done on my end, just waiting for activation now.
  • Have not heard from Pat or Anna in a while about the radiative shocks.


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