new simulations of bow shocks from 2 clumps


Now that I have a clear plan for these simulations, I thought I would give a little more detail about the problem set up. These are all 2D, so the clumps are actually slices of cylinders. For simplicity, I am still referring to them as clumps.

For all simulations, these parameters are the same:

Tamb 1000 K
namb 1000 cm-3
Twind 1000 K
nwind 1000 cm-3
vwind 50 km/s
nclump 107 cm-3
rclump 10 AU
Ly 40 rclump
my 50 cells
AMR levels 4
tfinal 329 yrs

The wind is supersonic with a mach number of approximately 13.5. Based on the wind speed and length of the domain, this run time is about 8.67 wind crossing times. The clump temperature is set to be in pressure equilibrium with the ambient.


I have a set of 12 runs that I am working on. They differ by clump separation distance (d) and . The length of the y domain is fixed, but the length of the x domain changes. The resolution stays fixed at 20 cells/rclump. Here is a list of separation distances and grid size for each type of run:

d [rclump] Lx [rclump] mx [cells]
40 48 60
20 28 35
15 24 30
10 20 25
5 12 15

The run with d = 40 rclump was added to see a set up where the bow shocks did not interact much if at all. Each set up will be run with a = 5/3 and a = 1.01 for a total of 10 runs. These runs all have open boundary conditions. The remaining 2 runs will be with d = 20 and 15, = 5/3, and they will have a reflecting boundary in the middle instead of simulating both clumps. We want to make sure that the reflecting boundary simulations behave just like the 2 clump simulations.

I will post images and movies here over the next few days…

Images and Movies







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