Meeting Update 12/08/2014 - Eddie

  • Got more file space on bluehive which will make post-processing emission maps much easier and quicker.
  • Finished implementing MaxSpeed tracking. Need to analyze the results, will share at tomorrow's code meeting.
  • Mach stem HEDLA paper revisions submitted.
  • Discovered and fixed (hopefully) and error in my Mach stem module:

  • A 3-D 3-clump run at 40 cells/rclump took ~77.3 hrs on 96 cores on bluehive. This is about 7420 SUs. Not bad at all, so we could reach higher resolutions if we need to. I'll figure out the cooling length as soon as I get a chance. The 3-clump sim that I had is re-running with the fix to the wind BC.

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