2D Bonnor Ebert Circle for quick and dirty runs ready

The output is at /alfalfadata/erica/PROJECTS/BEsphere2D/out and the executable was made from: /alfalfadata/erica/DEVEL/BEsphere2D. Mainly the modification in the code had to do with moving the clump object off of the default center position of the box (0,0,0). Adding the clump param, xloc, to the problem module allows one to read in the location of the clump. I set it to be at 2,2,2. To make sure the bounds in global.data were set such that the sphere was sliced down the middle, the domain was set to run from (0,0,2) to (4,4,2). That is a slice in the xy plane at z=2, eg. a slice down the center of the sphere at xloc = 2,2,2.


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