Meeting update

Rad Feedback

Expect to have a model up by the end of the week

Global Collapse Modes in CF model - Vazquez et al 2011


The two conferences I would like to attend this year are:

  1. "Star Formation 2016" - U of Exeter - End of August - website

Registration is now open, and there is a call for abstracts:

"We invite abstracts that span the full range of our field; over five days we will have sessions covering molecular clouds, protostellar cores, young stellar clusters, protostars, and planet-forming discs."

30th April 2016: Abstract submission deadline and end of early registration 17th June 2016: Registration closes 21st August 2016: Conference begins

The final programme for the conference will be announced in early June.

  1. "VIALACTEA 2016. The Milky Way as a Star Formation Engine: towards a predictive Galaxy-scale model of the Star Formation Life-Cycle" - End of September - Rome - website


Check out this sweet image of Curiosity in high res


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