Meeting update

Update e v. t plot

Last time, we were thinking this plot of total energy in the collision region over time looked a bit funny with the leveling off of the gravitational energy (yellow) in the collision region,

since the mass in the collision region was thought to be a strictly increasing function. Recall, was made by taking a section of the grid, a cylinder of radius 20 pc and length 20 pc, and then doing a weighted variable sum of the various quantities, see this page for reference.

Gravitational energy was calculated with the expression,


which only accounts for the *gas* gravitational energy. This doesn't matter before 10 Myr, before which any sinks form. But after 10 Myr, it was curious how that curve just leveled off..

Here is a recent plot we made showing the particle mass compared to 1) the whole simulation box, and 2) the same collision region we used for the above Evt. plot. We see that the particles themselves add to about 10% of the total mass of the collision region. This then might imply that they aren't negligible, and should be added to the total gravitational energy expression. Further, it is interesting that the total mass of the collision region seens to level off (note this IS a log plot, making differences appear less than they are). This implies the mass flux in = mass flux out in this region.

Talk from CIRC symposium

If you go to slide 10, you will see side-on views of the 30 and 60 case. It was interesting to see them again like this.. It seems like the 60 case straightens out a lot more than the 30 case

Curious what the field is doing here, wanted to see the streamlines at the final time for the different runs. Here is a projection of the streamlines through the domain at 27 Myr,

and just another pretty shot of the mesh and the flow,

Isotropic Turbulent Sim

Got a version of this module up and running for 2D to generate filaments for Amira to analyze,


Looking at the V2 spectra, we see the characteristic turbulent decay,

Amira output -

x,y positions of segments along filaments:

Nodes, segments, points:

Comparing the filaments Amira finds of a certain threshold to a pseudocolor plot of density,

Attachments (15)


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