Meeting Update

Adiabatic BE sphere —

I revisited the Lane Emden derivation for isothermal sphere and then considered how it would change under adiabatic conditions, outlined in this blog post:

Basically, making the sphere adiabatic does not change its initial configuration, and so no change to the problem module needs to be made.

Running the BE problem module out past sink formation —

I made a page on the results I saw with sink formation in the Matched and BP cases: This set up is going to need some work if we want to track post sink formation.

Paper —

I have been working on my paper, added some new text on the results section and began outlining discussion section

Coding —

I would like to revisit my Godunov solver this week and check the BC's. I began reading the next chapter on Euler equations with Godunov method. I believe my next step will be to use the Godunov method to solve Euler equations in 1-D. Next, I will adjust the code to be higher dimensional, then will begin learning about a Poisson solver and Hypre.

Movie —

We would like to begin shooting movie material this week. Here is an example of what the end product may look like —

If we have the green light on script questions, Will would like to interview/videotape Jason TODAY (Have you guys been in touch?)

He would like to repeat some of the questions for everyone (such as, what does astrobear do?)

Adam, when would you be free to shoot your part?

Martin and I are free when this week to shoot supporting material?

Do we have an official PR release date set yet?

Science Outreach —

Meeting at East High this Friday again for an hour of Physics tutoring.


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