Sink lessons 2

Whoops.. pushed back arrow and just lost all of my post… grrrrrrr.

As I was saying before being so rudely interrupted…

I learned that currently a sink accretes from ghost zones by a) reducing mass in the ghost region, WITHOUT b) increasing mass of the sink. This is because of the possibility for "over counting" the accreted mass onto the sink if the ghost zone is an internal boundary, hence overlapping with actual physical cells. Q) Do internal ghost zones then get their mass information from overlaid physical cells?

If your sink was near a physical boundary, however, you'd like accretion to be a little different now — such that it both a) reduced mass in the ghost region and b) accumulated onto the sink, since issue with over counting is no longer valid.

Astrobear2.0 as of now does NOT make this distinction — should perhaps be added.

Now I also learned a bit more about the force algorithm — will be updated here soon..


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