Outside-In collapse not unique to "Bonnor Ebert Spheres"

Uniform spheres also collapse outside in —

From Larson's 1969 Paper on similarity solution for uniform sphere:

In this figure, we can see the same density profile we see from my perturbed BE sphere developing, but from a uniformly dense IC in this case… The collapse is highly non-homologous overall, inside regions are collapsing but outer regions aren't… Put another way, only the interior core region is collapsing homologously… What types of collapse are homologous I wonder..?

Curious to check rho and vrad in our code, it seems that indeed outside-in collapse occurs for overdense uniform spheres as well:

From our code —



Huh, this is interesting… I am sure this has to do with the fact that Whitworth's solution encompasses all collapse — from LP (uniform) to Shu (singular) to Hunter (critical BE spheres)…

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