Meeting update

I have done 5 new runs, all with BE sphere in a box that is ~ 30 BE radii across. The runs are as follows:

A light case with rho_ambient=0.001rho(Rbe):

Here I am seeing the sphere very stable for ~4.5 crossing times, but then it starts pretty fast, and I am not sure what the cause of this would be.. I see that a velocity wave is penetrating inside of the sphere, and it seems like it is tied to the expansion of the sphere at the end. Could this be numerical diffusion at the boundary of the sphere, leaking velocity inward? Since the mass of the ambient cells is so slight, wouldn't expect any momentum to be transferred inward. .

A BE sphere with a 10% density enhancement (Bannerjee and Pudritz setup):

This is classic outside in collapse of the BE sphere, markedly different than the matched and intermediate cases.

A BE sphere in an ambient with density that matches the sphere's outer edge:

And 3 intermediate densities between rho matched and rho ambient = 0.01 rho(Rbe), in order of densest ambient to lightest:

As a remark on the stable case above, it is definitely stable within the time scales of the other simulations..


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