Plotting for MHD CF paper

Here is some comparisons of Jonathan's paper figures, and plots that I have:

Density vs Pressure PDFs


How to choose the bounds?

Adding those lines in visit?

Density vs. velocity

The plot Jonathan used in paper was velocity dispersion over time, density weighted. The plot I have now is volume weighted density vs. velocity PDF. It doesn't show the information as cleanly as the line curve does..

Weighted mixing ratios

The plot Jonathan used in paper was mass-weighted mixing ratio, what I have is volume-weighted mixing weighted.

So here is a collection of plots:

Column Density have
Density-weighted joint probability distribution function for density vs. pressure have
Kinetic and gravitational energy spectra
Mean kinetic and gravitational energy densities E¯k,g against time, split between large (> D, see eq. 2) and small scales
Mass history against time have
Density-weighted velocity dispersion against time
Core mass distribution have
Mixing bias (eq. 8) vs distance of cores to mid-plane, at time t have
Mass-weighted mixing ratio (eq. 7) for the gas in the analysis region
Mixing ratio of cores at time t have

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1. Jonathan -- 10 years ago

Hi Erica,

  • I added a curve plot with the solution to the equilibrium pressure vs. density - I just send you an e-mail with the file.
  • Presumably my density weighted velocity dispersion is just sqrt(<rho v2>/<rho>) = sqrt(2*KE/Mass) so if you have the total kinetic energy and mass, you can calculate this directly…
  • Modifying the weighting factor for your mixing ratio histogram should be straightforward…
    instead of
    or something like that.