CDM and field plot for poster

Here is what projection of beta looks like (this is made by taking the projection of thermal pressure over B pressure - ½ B2),

Here is a projection inv beta,

I like working with beta better so in below plots that is what I am using.

The idea is - next to the CDM's on the poster, we will have a plot of the field. Here are some possibilities:

2 pseudos overlaid on top of each other, one that is N2 and 1 that is beta. The CDM of n2 is in grays underneath of the hot color plot of beta:

Beta with density contours on top:

I think I like the contour plot better — the overlaid psuedos are potentially misleading..

Attachments (5)


1. Adam Frank -- 10 years ago

So I like the density contour plots overlaid with the colormaps of beta (which is last plot you show). If I am reading this correctly we see that mass is concentrated in regions of low field strength. If this is true it make sense as the that is where the highest thermal pressure would be. I quess we are seeing the field excluded from regions of mass accretion.

2. Erica Kaminski -- 10 years ago

Hi Adam, I am seeing that field strength is strongest (lowest beta) in regions of higher density. The weakest field is mostly contained within low density regions. This could be due to flux freezing; as the flow is collapsing into denser nodes, the field is being dragged with it.

As these voids open up in the collision region due to local instabilities and collapse, any later gas travelling along the field lines might be steered away from the voids creating stronger voids as time goes on

3. Jonathan -- 10 years ago

I think I actually prefer the overlaid pseudo color plot better… The dark regions (of high density) have a blue tint due to the lower beta while the low density regions are correlated with a high beta and show up as yellow-red regions. For me it is a little hard with the contour plots to see which way is 'up hill'… I can't tell whether regions that are surrounded by a contour line are at a higher density or lower density. Perhaps having more contours with a white to black color scale instead of just black and pink would be more helpful