meeting notes

Am trying to interpolate the following 1D radial profiles onto Astrobear's grid in 3D octant symmetry:

progenitor profiles

These profiles represent a ~5 solar mass progenitor for a core collapse supernova. The red vertical line is the radial cut-off I am taking for initialization onto the grid. Beyond this radius am switching the profiles to constant ambient values.

These profiles are assumed to be in ~HSE. Thus, I used the HSE module in AstroBEAR for self-gravitating gas to produce the following grid-interpolated profiles:

Neutrino cooling is being mocked up in the code using the empirical formula:

For these initial conditions, this works out to be ~ erg/s for the peak density. In computational units, this is .

The initial internal energy of the central zone is,

So if the cooling rate were constant over , would expect to see the internal energy drop to . Here is a plot of the internal energy over dt:


In other words, if the cooling time is , then within this timestep, .

The HSE module produces this:


Pretty close, except at origin…

grav vs. press, initial frame

After freefall time (or 38 cooling times):

rho decrease in 1 ff time

The mesh shows strange behavior on the reflecting sides

boundaries awry

And no sink particles being used,

Attachments (13)


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