Meeting update

Runs are ¾ done.

Just moving data to local machines. Should have more movies up soon.

Here is the B10-60 case:

I am thinking we will want to do the bulk analysis on just the Beta = 10 runs, that is shear angle = 0, 15, 30, & 60

For the B1 run- maybe we can just have a small section in the paper showing morphology (column density maps)? This run is only out to t=20 Myr as of now. Don't think it is necessary to run out longer either.

For the resolution study also was just going to show column density map??

For the B v. n maps - thinking of plotting pdfs of the magnetic energy vs number density ? What units should this be in?

Lastly - thoughts on restarting B10 60 case for another 10 - 20 Myr?


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