Titles for upgraded versions of AstroBEAR

Random thought of the day:

Maybe for new releases of the code, we can use different animal names, i.e.:

AstroLION, AstroCRANE, AstroSHARK,….


1. ehansen -- 12 years ago

That would be cool, but I don't know if we would want to get too detached from AstroBEAR's roots (aka BEARCLAW). Also, BEAR stands for boundary embedded adaptive refinement.

What about attaching a nickname (in addition to the numbering system) for each version of AstroBEAR that is a specific species of bear or a famous (non)fictional bear's name? This is similar to what Ubuntu does, except they have some clever two-word alliteration thing going on. Ex: AstroBEAR 2.0 (Sloth)

AstroBEAR 3.0 (Koala) AstroBEAR 4.0 (Grizzly)

2. ehansen -- 12 years ago

forgive me for not being a mac user, but I just realized this is exactly what apple does with OS X, but they do it with species of cats.

3. Adam Frank -- 12 years ago

I like the nickname idea

4. Jonathan -- 12 years ago

Not sure how I feel about 'sloth' :)

5. Jonathan -- 12 years ago

What about bear characters? Yogi, Baloo, Paddington, Pooh, Fozzie, Ted, Smokey, etc…

6. Erica Kaminski -- 12 years ago

Great ideas! I like Polar, Panda, and Grizzly… Pooh may be too silly :), but Paddington, and Smokey, are some respectable Bear names.

A new animal name could refer to the major patch modifications… eg:

AstroSHARK = AstroS.hockH.ydrodynamicsA.ndR.adiationK.inematics

AstroCRANE = C.orotating,R.esistive,A.nd,N.onE.quilibrium Cooling

In the media it could be released as "AstroBEAR's 3rd patch, AstroSHARK, is … "