Meeting update

I updated my page with things currently on my plate, as well as pages for them:


The paper introduction is nearly done (not published on that page yet as I need to do some polishing of the text and my references to papers/results). I have begun writing a Fortran program for the Riemann solver following the outline I posted on the page above. I am writing it in the fashion of an astrobear module, for good practice. I also thought about plotting the B&P run. B&P normalized their data to unperturbed values, but I feel it is more clear to use perturbed values (which will both normalize the density to the perturbed central density, as well as change the truncation non-dimensional radius to beyond the critical xi). This will most clearly show the effect of perturbation - to increase xi beyond its critical value. Also, to compare the density to the unperturbed central density seems to be less intuitive as comparing to the perturbed central density. As far as normalizing the times in the plots, I derived a sound crossing time for the BE sphere, consisting of variables specific to the BE problem. I have normalized all the times to this time for my plots.


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