Fermi Project Update January 2022

The journal article on overleaf is at: https://www.overleaf.com/3756433924fzhskcnhbkmz

What Else I Need to Do?

  • Results Section: fix labels on parameter sweep (Fig 2). Use the parameter names on the paper rather than in the code
  • Appendix B: currently has the relevant timescales and ratios written down, what I need to do is figure out which 4/5 parameters or ratios uniquely determine the output. Or influence the output the most.
  • Appendix C: currently has density calculations (as function of radius). I need to copy my results showing technology as function of density. Then I need to use both of those to figure out technology as a function of radius.

What Is Left?

  • send out the paper to collaborators for review
  • write introduction, conclusion, and abstract


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