Dust in AstroBEAR - Update 2021/05/10


  • Thesis stuff (main focus, still very busy with this, less progress on other stuff)
  • Debugging & Testing


Some updates on the new problem setup: I've added a random distribution of clumps to the inner ejecta, and the 1D density profile from last time now looks like this in 2D.

As mentioned last time, I have no information about the temperature or velocity profile so I've made some guesses there. The temperature is less problematic, the velocity is a bit difficult. The idea is to find an initial velocity that will give us a forward shock at 2.5 pc after 330 yrs (suggested by observations).

I Started a simulation to test an initial velocity estimate but I've run into a problem with simulations taking ages. The current estimate for the simulation to finish is 8 years… I feel like I might have made a mistake during the setup. Some settings:

  • 32 initial cells with 8 AMR levels giving us the same resolution as the Slavin+2020 paper
  • HLLC solver and parabolic interpolation though if I go to HLL and constant it doesn't change much.

And some outputs from the simulation:

Potential error sources:

  • I removed the smoothing length h from the clumps because Slavin+2020 doesn't use that
  • scaling???
  • something else?

UPDATE: Advice helped, simulation is now running quickly! The expansion velocity is currently a bit fast so I will need to adjust that but it does form the forward shock close to the expected radius.


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