Dust in AstroBEAR - Update 2020/04/20


  • Properly integrate dust source routines
  • Continue with grain-grain collisions
  • MHD production runs for post-processing dust treatment


  • Sod Shock Tube: Finished (for now). The issue before was that the gas movement is triggered via initial values of the energy and as the dust has now energy component it remained at rest. Thus active advection + Sod Shock Tube is currently not possible (it would require writing a different initialisation routine and I've noted it down as something to be done in the future but I don't feel it's necessary right now), passive advection + Sod Shock Tube, on the other hand, works: Setup | Gas Density (Video)| Gas Velocity in x (Video) | Dust Density (Video)
  • Dust Post-Processing: We were awarded HPC time so I'm currently setting up MHD (instead of just HD as in the previous papers) runs for the dust processing done by a colleague. (Not sure about the best way to visualise field lines…)

Up Next:

  • Source terms!! plus further development of dust routines but source terms now take priority


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