Dust in AstroBEAR - Update 2020/06/22


  • Debugging
  • Refine dust routines


  • HPC Proposal: Still really busy with this, need to get through 1m core hours by the end of June…
  • Dust Grain Size Distribution: Previously the code was designed to read in a dust.data file which contained the dust grain size distribution information. I realised that might not be so great cause it would be hard to reproduce a simulation if that file were to be lost + it should scale with the volume of the cell. After some edits, the dust grain size distribution is now set via input parameters in physics.data and then calculated during setup initialisation.

(I'll try and add the equations for the different distribution types when I get a chance; a lot of unexpected meetings today so I might not manage before the meeting tonight.)

Up Next:

  • Continue Debugging


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