Dust in AstroBEAR - Update 2019/10/07

Passive Advection of Dust

Last Status

  • passive advection was working if the gas-to-dust density ratio was 1. For any other ratios, the flux calculations were way off resulting in a faulty advection and eventually in a termination of the simulation run.

Current Status

  • passive advection is now working for all gas-to-dust density ratios and bin numbers. The bug was in the conserved ↔ primitive conversion routines of EOS.f90. For passive advection the conversion routine should divide by or multiply with the gas density not the dust density.

Test Simulation: https://youtu.be/KJW2fLnDyG0

Next Steps

  • Processing subroutine to store total dust mass in domain for each bin → Put in Sweep After Step in sweep_scheme.f90?
  • Add other advection schemes (gas drag & plasma drag, starting with gas drag) → Put call to advection routines in Sweep Before Step in sweep_scheme.f90 but the actual calculations will be in dust.f90


  • Conservation of Gas Momentum:


  • Conservation of dust momentum:



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