Meeting Update 0710 - Jason and Ivan

  • Disk disrupts at a certain mass/radius ratio
  • The mass of the central object is directly proportional to the rate of disruption

Original run (6*106 K ambient, 1000 K disk, 0.6 MSun , radius 1.33*10-3 AU) :
LinkOriginal Run
Link:Velocity vectors

Ambient cooler than disk (100 K ambient, 1000 K disk, 0.6 MSun) :
Link:Cool ambient

Central object with little mass (6*106 K ambient, 1000 K disk, 1*10-2 MSun) :
LinkLittle mass

Central object with no mass (6*106 K ambient, 1000 K disk, 0 MSun) :
Link:No mass

Reference run (Radius = 20au, Mcentral = 1MSun ):


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