Different AMR levels

Regarding the overheating issue in the disk center.

I did 4 runs with different AMR levels and as you can see in the graph the greater the level the less overheating in the center. I couldn't run a 5 AMR levels simulation due to MPI issues but you can see the trend here.

Although it seems that an increased refinement level solves the overheating issue in the center, I am worried about the spike at the disk/ambient boundary. I am currently looking into that.

In the graph, the X axis is the distance from the center at constant Z, the Y axis is the temperature value.


1. Jonathan -- 13 years ago

It looks like there is a bug with ideal gas and bondi accretion… I am looking into it

2. idilernia -- 13 years ago

These runs were done without accretion since I wanted to rule it out, I can actually enable it and compare the results.