Hydrostatic Equilibrium Module Recap

So we had some new developments since last week with the Hydrostatic Equilibrium module. I thought I would give an update on were we are at now.
We now have a model that is stable enough to be suitable for a simulation.
Below is a plot that shows pressure, temperature and density profiles in logscales, also, you can get an impression on what the velocity magnitude and mach numbers are.

Here of density and pressure evolution of the model movie1
Jonathan fixed the density infall from the boundaries and the model is stable up to t=1, with a timeScale = 17403 second =~ 5 hours. There is still some, although not excessive, expansion of the central part.

Things get a little bit ugly when we see the plots for temperature and mach numbers. movie2
There is still an inverse profile for the temperature, apparently trying to change it represents a cause of instability, but we can push it a little bit. The Mach number plot seems to be affected by some AMR related issue, Jonathan hinted the possibility of such an issue today at the meeting. I will look into that.

Last but now least, lets see how our profile compares to the model of an AGB star (the refence model can be found here ). The plots below represent our model (first image) and the reference model (second image).

The two models are not perfectly identical for the central part of the star (where r ≤ 4). This is related due to the smoothing that we had to apply to density and gravity potential. However, for our specific problem, the central part of the star will be covered by an accretion disk. Below are the same plots as above but translated by 4 units so that you can see how the two profiles compare at a r ≥ 4.

  • What is left to do is to tweak the temperature profile a bit, bring the problem to 3D, and place our accretion disk in.


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