Source code tagging

Hello everyone,

According to the GNU General Public License guidelines every file in the AstroBEAR source code needs to contain "a copyright notice and a statement of copying permission, saying that the program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License".

I have written a small script to insert a copying permission statement and a skeleton for a copyright notice in the source code, however, a decision is needed on what to write in the copyright notice.

There are three options:

1) Have a unified copyright notice as a collective

Copyright 1999 The AstroBEAR group

2) Have a unified notice and mention all the authors:

Copyright 1999 Terry Jones, Jonathan Doe, Eddie Smith, Erika Moore

3) Have an copyright skeleton in each file that the respective author would complete:

Copyright <YEAR> <AUTHOR>

for module Christina_Original:

Copyright 1999 Terry Jones

for module BasicDisk

Copyright 2003 Jonathan Doe

They should all be equivalent, it's just a matter of what the authors prefer.


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