Jason and Ivan - Meeting Update 1012

  • We started analyzing the runs and making plots.

The accretion disks start with the same pressure and different densities, as suggested in paper meeting we had back then, as a consequence they also differ in temperatures.

Let's remember the initial conditions briefly:

Mass Density Temperature
20 ~20.0 g/cc 5d3 K
10 ~10.0 g/cc 1d4 K
50 ~5.0 g/cc 5d4 K
10 ~1.0 g/cc 1d5 K

Although the disks start with different initial conditions, they appear to settle at the similar temperatures. We decided to measure the disk mass using temperature to determine what material belongs to the disk, as of right now this seems to be the best option, suggestions are welcome.

The threshold we decided to use is 2d6K. To visualize this value the plot below can come in handy:

This being said, below are two plots of our 4 runs, the first one is relative mass, the second is absolute mass. Part of the 5 Jupiter Mass line is dotted (predicted mass) since we decided to extend that run a bit to get it to 10 orbits.

  • There is a vortex-like feature going on with the 20 Jupiter Mass. It does not compromise the general picture, however, it is something to think about. What could be causing it ? Movie here
  • We need to check accretion rates since they seem a little bit too high. I will check them in detail later on this week.


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